COVID-19 update 57 – 19/12/2020-14/01/2021

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published a briefing assessing short-term economic developments during the COVID-19 pandemic via the use of adjusted tools of measurement. (Source: DeHavilland)

Under the State Aid Temporary Framework, the Commission has recently approved:

Apart from that, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Banca March are joining forces once again to support the economic recovery of Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs – up to 250 employees), mid-caps (between 250 and 3.000 employees) and large corporates (over 3.000 employees) via three agreements. These agreements will mobilise more than €600 million of financing, of which a total of €270 million will be in the form of guarantees or loans from the EIB.

Documentul integral, aici.

COVID-19 update 57 – 19/12/2020-14/01/2021
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